A Guide to Navigate On-The-Job Injuries for Federal Wildland Firefighters
We have a helpful powerpoint presentation to help navigate the Federal Office of Worker’s Compensation
Some words of advice from people who have successfully navigated the OWCP process:
1) It helps to have access to a government computer
2) You can speak directly with an OWCP caseworker, and only need to work with an agency representative if you need help with something.
3) You don’t need to ask permission to get the help you need. If your doctor prescribes any equipment that will help you on the road to recovery, that can be processed directly through OWCP, and agency representatives don’t need to be involved. Examples include exercise equipment all the way to office chairs and anything else you need to get back to 100% as soon as possible.
4) Who pays the bills? Your agency will be billed for any OWCP benefits in the following years
5) We highly recommend staying in touch with your OWCP caseworker and consulting them about any decisions such as your return to work, worker’s compensation advice, and any other decision on your road to recovery.